new javadoc

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Thu Dec 10 2009 - 07:07:46 EST

  • Next message: ςΡΒΙΓΛΙΚ εΧΗΕΞΙ: "RE: Evgeny -> pom.xml"

    I've finally wrestled Hudson/maven into submission:

    Once I figure out how, I'll get them copied into the Cayenne web site folder. But at least they are building ("javadoc:javadoc" did not work, but "install" does), and the script in my p.a.o account which breaks every few weeks can be retired. I'll set up a second project to build docs for 3.0 as well.

    I got so excited that I'm in the middle of trying to get Clover and Findbugs working as well. Then for an encore, I'm getting close to running automated tests against H2 and Derby as well as h2sql. But every time I change a config setting, I need to wait an hour for it to build and see what happened.



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