Re: Hudson unit test runs

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Fri Dec 11 2009 - 18:12:31 EST

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Performance Issues/Questions"

    On 12/12/09 1:08 AM, òÑÂÉÃËÉÊ å×ÇÅÎÉÊ wrote:
    > Is it possible to deploy somwhere Oracle Database Express Edition and run Hudsun Unit test on it? Better if it will be near Hudson builder.... could Apache provide some server for that purposes?
    > Of couse I can deploy Oracle server at my home computer but this Hudson test are not going to be stable:)

    I'm working toward that goal, but first we need to get the resources in place to be able to run all the databases we need for testing. That requires co-operation from Apache infrastructure people. So, in the first instance I'm just working on all the simple databases which can run in memory or be launched from within java.



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