Re: XML file changes: dropping .driver.xml

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Dec 14 2009 - 10:03:20 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: EJBQL improvings?"

    Another related thing... for the unit tests we have command line
    overrides of the DataSource parameters (-DcayenneJdbcUrl=...). Maybe
    honor these System properties universally across all Cayenne-provided
    DataSource factories? Then we don't need a JNDI hack and any
    environment can be reconfigured easily on startup.


    On Dec 14, 2009, at 9:49 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > If you think of it, the only value of .driver.xml (or a <data-
    > source>..</data-source> inside cayenne.xml for that matter) is that
    > it can be edited in the Modeler. If a user overrides the Modeler-
    > provided XML file, this functionality is lost, and configuration can
    > be provided in a number of different ways.
    > 1. DBCPDataSourceFactory - this is the closest to what you are
    > doing... Only instead of swapping .driver.xml, you'll be swapping
    > 2. JNDIDataSourceFactory - if you are in a web container, there's no
    > reason not to use it
    > 3. Custom factory. Should be very easy to write to load JDBC data
    > from somewhere, based either on o.a.c.conn package or commons-dbcp.
    > So I still feel like there's no value in keeping that file.
    > (As a side note, I already committed this change to the 3.1 project
    > loader/saver last night (the one we are not using yet), but there
    > won't be a problem to roll it back. So I am not using the fact that
    > it is already there as an argument to keep it).
    > Andrus
    > On Dec 14, 2009, at 2:29 AM, ςΡΒΙΓΛΙΚ εΧΗΕΞΙΚ wrote:
    >> Let me share my usage experience:
    >> We don't use driver.xml at all. Just some empty file.
    >> Usually there is one node and DataSource for this Node is
    >> overridden by our configuration. We can't just build-in it in
    >> cayenne.xml because data base configuration can various on
    >> different server deployments.
    >> I mean that when all database settings are strongly set in
    >> cayenne.xml (that is inside your JAR/WAR) you can't change it so
    >> easy.
    >> I have some ideas about dynamic adding of DataNodes. Is it possible?
    >> Evgeny.
    >> -----Original Message-----
    >> From: Andrus Adamchik []
    >> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2009 11:45 PM
    >> To:
    >> Subject: XML file changes: dropping .driver.xml
    >> Since I am rewriting the project load/save code, I am going to add
    >> one
    >> more format change - move .driver.xml stuff into cayenne.xml. The
    >> original motivation for a separate file was to allow users to swap it
    >> in different deployment environments, e.g. to protect their
    >> production
    >> password. Now we have the password encoder facility that does not
    >> require file swapping, and most JEE environments are using JNDI
    >> anyways, so makes sense to reduce the complexity, and store the
    >> <driver>..</driver> section right in cayenne.xml.
    >> Andrus

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