Re: Beta 2?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Dec 14 2009 - 14:33:15 EST

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Beta 2?"

    On Dec 14, 2009, at 2:17 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:

    > We had a meeting this morning which included a discussion on Hibernate
    > vs Cayenne (we = the team that is developing that politically
    > sensitive application I mentioned and was trying to do some
    > benchmarking). Several of the Hibernate developers, after I showed
    > them Cayenne, thought Cayenne looked easier to learn/use (they LOVED
    > the idea of the data context), but in the end chose to do the new
    > project in Hibernate (the devil they know). A good portion of their
    > thought process was that Cayenne 3 isn't officially released yet and
    > that Cayenne 2 was too old. (No one uses "beta" code, it was argued.)

    I guess your team should consider that it has a very unique advantage
    with Cayenne - a committer who can fix things if they are broken. They
    won't have that with Hibernate ;-)

    Anyways, I guess we won't be able to fix that DataDomain snapshot
    cache contention issue in 3.0, but hopefully we will in 3.1

    > While I'm on a soapbox ... I think it would be better if 3.1 included
    > only a handful of features and could be put out 4-6 months after 3.0.
    > Repeat for 3.2 ... That way it doesn't look like it is sitting still
    > for to long (perception, I know).

    I am all for it. If 3.1 is just DI/configuration rework (and anything
    else squeezed in while this rework is being done), I am personally
    totally fine with it.


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