But of course Maven has its dark side too. Namely, you can't rely on
public repositories to store any given artifact version for any
prolonged time. Besides Derby that I used is having a broken pom that
works from Eclipse (as m2eclipse plugin uses a workaround), but
doesn't work from the command line.
Looks like we'll need to put all dependencies in the objectstyle.org
repo for it to still work next month.
On Dec 22, 2009, at 2:33 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
> Finally I was able to update the tutorial for 3.0:
> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CAYDOC30/Tutorial
> The cool thing about it is that it only requires the Maven Eclipse
> plugin, and bypasses all the Eclipse nonsense related to running
> webapps using maven-jetty-plugin. It doesn't add any more advanced
> features (listeners, caching prefetching), but I guess we can write
> separate tutorials for those.
> Ari, one more thing that I can't find in archives... What was the
> remaining Confluence problem that prevented us from publishing
> CAYDOC30, and switching submenus under "Version 3.0" to CAYDOC30
> (and also switching "Getting Started" menu to the new version of the
> tutorial)?
> Andrus
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