Re: 3.0 tutorial

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue Dec 22 2009 - 08:26:04 EST

  • Next message: ςΡΒΙΓΛΙΚ εΧΗΕΞΙ: "RE: 3.0 tutorial"

    But of course Maven has its dark side too. Namely, you can't rely on
    public repositories to store any given artifact version for any
    prolonged time. Besides Derby that I used is having a broken pom that
    works from Eclipse (as m2eclipse plugin uses a workaround), but
    doesn't work from the command line.

    Looks like we'll need to put all dependencies in the
    repo for it to still work next month.


    On Dec 22, 2009, at 2:33 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > Finally I was able to update the tutorial for 3.0:
    > The cool thing about it is that it only requires the Maven Eclipse
    > plugin, and bypasses all the Eclipse nonsense related to running
    > webapps using maven-jetty-plugin. It doesn't add any more advanced
    > features (listeners, caching prefetching), but I guess we can write
    > separate tutorials for those.
    > Ari, one more thing that I can't find in archives... What was the
    > remaining Confluence problem that prevented us from publishing
    > CAYDOC30, and switching submenus under "Version 3.0" to CAYDOC30
    > (and also switching "Getting Started" menu to the new version of the
    > tutorial)?
    > Andrus

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