Re: [jira] Commented: (CAY-762) ERDiagram for Object Entities in Cayenne Modeler

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Dec 24 2009 - 07:58:20 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: [jira] Closed: (CAY-1331) hessian upgrade stops rop"

    I guess the timeline for this is ~3.1M1 (whenever that might be...
    still I am eager to try the new DI stuff in my apps, so once the
    configuration switch is over I was going to suggest an M1). In any
    event this gives us some breezing room.

    Good point on the file falling out of sync. I guess the graph load
    algorithm will have to handle that - ignoring deleted/renamed
    entities, auto-positioning new entities. Not sure if it stores the
    connectors positions as well, but if it does, it can apply the same
    approach - if both endpoint entities are still there, keep it,
    otherwise remove it.


    On Dec 24, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:
    > Well, this task in not yet finished and unfortunately these days I'm
    > very
    > short of time. Guess we'll need to reconsider the saving mechanism
    > later
    > somehow. But note that if graphs aren't synchronized together with
    > datamap
    > conflicts may occur. Just imagine situation when someone removes an
    > entity,
    > but it still exists in your graph! It may be not so easy to handle
    > all of
    > them
    > 2009/12/24 Ольга Ткачева <>
    >> excellent work, but I agree with Andrus.
    >> for example: yesterday I need only change DbEntity configuration,
    >> but I
    >> accidentally chose tab "graph". It create new graph.xml file,
    >> but I don't need it, it is really distraction and created commit
    >> noise.
    >> And I think if I will be use graph, my graphs configuration maybe be
    >> uncomfortable for other users.
    >> for example: I work only with 6 tables in DB and of course I will be
    >> placing
    >> it apart from all, but after update my tables change its places,
    >> it is really no good.
    >> 2009/12/3 Andrus Adamchik <>
    >>> On Dec 3, 2009, at 4:22 PM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:
    >>> It doesn't make any sense to have a project-specific piece of
    >> information
    >>>> stored in preferences.
    >>> And still we do that a lot already. There's a bunch of per-screen
    >>> Modeler
    >>> preferences stored per project (and not in user visible XML
    >>> files). If
    >> you
    >>> move to another machine, you lose it.
    >>> I think the difference here is in a mental view of the graph
    >>> layout task.
    >>> To you and Andrey it is a part of the ORM modeling work. To me it
    >>> is not.
    >> It
    >>> is a *local* user preference. Something a single developer would
    >>> tweak to
    >>> his or her liking, kind of like arranging icons on a desktop.
    >>> Let me give you a few examples of why sharing a layout might be bad:
    >>> * 2 developers on the project want to have different layouts,
    >>> because
    >> they
    >>> work with different parts of the model. So they group entities
    >> differently.
    >>> * A single developer rearranges the layout multiple times during
    >>> the day
    >> as
    >>> he goes from one task to another.
    >>> * 1 developer uses a 13" notebook, another - 31" screen. Developer
    >>> 1 has
    >> no
    >>> choice, but to optimize the layout for his screen.
    >>> Andrus
    >> --
    >> Olga Tkacheva
    > --
    > Andrey

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