Re: maven dependency issues

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Dec 28 2009 - 03:41:31 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: maven dependency issues"

    On Dec 28, 2009, at 3:55 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

    > 2. If we want to avoid some ongoing pain and hassle, we need to
    > remove the need to 'install' every module. That will probably fix
    > Clover as well. To me that seems straightforward and if that means
    > some people need to add one more pom to their project, well they
    > should either suck it, complain to maven developers or use another
    > build tool. At the same time I'd move everything into one namespace
    > for simplicity.

    IIRC the only reason install is needed is because we have maven
    plugins built, that are themselves used during the build (build-
    tools). For everything else install is not needed. So the problems are
    likely elsewhere.

    > 4. Once all the above is sorted, I'll get back to the goal of
    > running tests against mysql, MSSQL, Oracle, etc.
    > Andrus, I've added your user name (same as your svn user) to Hudson
    > as an administrator. Let me know if you can't log in. And let me
    > know if you change anything so I know not to change it back. We have
    > four jobs: a pair for creating docs and a pair for running tests.
    > They are split that way since the docs jobs are slow and don't need
    > to run once per database type. We have two jobs tracking 3.0 and two
    > tracking trunk. Clover builds properly now, instruments everything,
    > but then doesn't find a single instrumented class. Findbugs I
    > switched on to see what it would do, but I never got to finish
    > configuring it.

    Thanks, I will look at it a bit later.


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