Re: maven dependency issues

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Dec 28 2009 - 06:33:54 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: svn commit: r894141 - /cayenne/main/trunk/tutorials/tutorial/pom.xml"

    On Dec 28, 2009, at 11:19 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

    > No, I think we need install because none of the modules are able to
    > build against other modules since they can't 'find' each other.
    > Since the parent references are fictional, maven is unable to
    > traverse the build tree and figure out how all the code relates to
    > each other.

    As far as I know Maven's in-process "reactor" allows projects to
    reference other not installed projects from the same build. Maven has
    evolved a lot lately though, so I may have some dated assumptions on
    the default command-line flags. The fact that the tutorial build is
    failing on Hudson, but not on my machine may confirm that there's
    something different about "mvn" now (your item #6). I see there's a
    bunch of new reactor-related switches in mvn.

    > 6. /zonestorage/hudson/home/hudson/hudson/jobs/Cayenne-30/workspace/
    > cayenneTestConnection/HSQLDB/jdk/JDK 1.6 (latest)/STABLE-3.0/
    > tutorials/tutorial/src/main/java/org/apache/cayenne/tutorial/
    > persistent/auto/[3,25] cannot find symbol
    > Is this the same problem or something else? Why can't it find the
    > Cayenne code in the same project? Why do these sorts of problems
    > haunt us?

    This is what I need to figure out.


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