Maybe worth imitating how JPA 2.0 does it? I've only glanced at it in
the past, but it seems similar. (Eclipselink is the reference
There's also something called a Criteria api now in JPA 2.0. I only
looked at it (in the spec) as I was typing this message.
Chapter 6
Not sure exactly how it's different -- maybe it's just a specification
of the expression builder syntax.
On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 4:54 PM, Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:
> On Dec 30, 2009, at 9:59 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
>> I'd like to see if a similar approach can be extended to query building.
>> Although that'll be a entirely different level of effort.
> Or maybe it is not that hopeless and we can use a set of user-facing query
> "builders" without affecting our backend implementations. Just prototyped a
> builder that can create EJBQL/SelectQuery with parameterized result type
> that can be tied to ObjectContext.performQuery()...
> public interface Query<T> ...
> public class Select<T> implements Query<T>...
> Here is now we can build correctly parameterized queries for different
> result types. Also shows other EJBQL features, like subqueries. While it
> adds some more terse API compared to SelectQuery, parameterization is the
> main point here. I guess this is a good way to make EJBQLQuery finally
> usable:
> void query_newAPI_EntityResult() {
> Select<Artist> query = Select.entity(Artist.class);
> query.setDistinct();
> Select<Painting> subquery = Select.entity(Painting.class);
> subquery.setWhere("X%"));
> Expression clause1 = Artist.NAME.eq("X");
> Expression clause2 ="Y");
> Expression clause3 =;
> query.setWhere(All.of(clause1, clause2, clause3));
> query.addOrderByAscending(Artist.NAME);
> query.addOrderByAscending(;
> query.addDisjointPrefetch(Artist.PAINTINGS);
> }
> void query_newAPI_ScalarResult() {
> Select<Date> query = Select.scalar(Artist.class,
> Artist.DATE_OF_BIRTH);
> Expression clause1 = Artist.NAME.eq("X");
> Expression clause2 ="Y");
> query.setWhere(Any.of(clause1, clause2));
> }
> void query_newAPI_MixedResult() {
> // fetching Artist entity plus paintings count
> Select<Object[]> query = Select.mixed(Artist.class,
> new Key<Artist>(""), Artist.PAINTINGS.count());
> Expression clause1 = Artist.NAME.eq("X");
> Expression clause2 ="Y");
> query.setWhere(Any.of(clause1, clause2));
> }
> void query_newAPI_GenericObject() {
> Select<Persistent> query = Select.generic(Persistent.class,
> "MyGenericEntity");
> Expression clause1 = new Key<String>("name").eq("X");
> Expression clause2 = new Key<Integer>("age").eq(5);
> query.setWhere(All.of(clause1, clause2));
> }
> void query_newAPI_DataRow() {
> Select<DataRow> query = Select.dataRow(Artist.class);
> Expression clause1 = Artist.NAME.eq("X");
> Expression clause2 ="Y");
> query.setWhere(All.of(clause1, clause2));
> }
> Andrus
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