Re: Type-safe qualifiers

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Dec 31 2009 - 03:04:02 EST

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: Type-safe qualifiers"

    On Dec 31, 2009, at 7:13 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:
    > How does Key relate to Attribute and Relationship? Is it an
    > interface that both implement?

    Unrelated at all, except for the matching name. I thought of using
    Attributes/Relationships for this purpose, but it is not possible to
    parameterize them as they are abstract metadata. Their "compiled"
    counterparts (Property/ArcProperty) could've potentially been used as
    "keys", but those can't be statically bound to Persistent objects in
    compile time, as they are generated in runtime.

    > 2. New API:
    >> Expression clause1 = Artist.NAME.eq("X");
    >> Expression clause2 ="Y");
    > Would this be more in keeping with existing usage:
    > Artist.PAINTINGS.join(Painting.NAME).match("Y");
    > and
    > Artist.PAINTINGS.outerJoin(Painting.NAME).match("Y");
    > to emulate the "|" we have now.

    I like "dot" and "eq" because they have fewer letters, making things
    more tight. (also we used the term "path", not "join", so I guess
    there's really no precedent here). But good point about outer joins.
    Will definitely need to address that aspect.

    > At first glance Artist.PAINTINGS looks like it should be
    > <Collection<Painting>>. But that breaks the type-safeness. We can
    > tell when a key represents a Relationship (<? extends
    > PersistentObject>) rather than an Attribute. But would we ever want
    > to know when it represents a to-many relation rather than a to-one?

    I had this question as well when first looking at Wonder. For the
    expression building stuff seems like it is ok to not make a
    distinction between to-one and to-many. However if we stumble on the
    case where we need to, we can simply subclass Key. (similar to

    > Expression qualifier = clause1.and(clause2.or(clause3).or(clause4));

    I like this one. I guess we'll go with it.


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