Re: Test results before RC2

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Thu Jan 14 2010 - 06:09:12 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Test results before RC2"

    Now that most of the false failures coming from Hudson have been sorted out, I just enabled H2 and Derby database tests on the 3.0 build.


    On 14/01/10 9:59 PM, Ольга Ткачева wrote:
    > I was wrong in the tests on Derby. Here correct results:
    > derby
    > Tests in error:
    > testDifferentEntity(org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContextEJBQLSubqueryTest)
    > testExists(org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContextEJBQLSubqueryTest)
    > Tests run: 2087, Failures: 0, Errors: 2, Skipped: 0
    > And now in RC2 we have same result as in RC1
    > 2010/1/14 Ольга Ткачева<>
    >> Postgres - BUILD SUCCESSFUL. I fixed
    >> testNullParameter(org.apache.cayenne.query.EJBQLQueryTest)
    >> 2010/1/14 Andrus Adamchik<>
    >>> On Jan 13, 2010, at 4:41 PM, Kevin Menard wrote:
    >>> Andrey mentioned he knew what the error in postgres is. IIRC it was a
    >>>> case
    >>>> of "= NULL" being used instead of "IS NULL" on an EJBQL expression..
    >>>> --
    >>>> Kevin
    >>> True, but since Cayenne expressions do support "= NULL", it sort of made
    >>> sense to make it consistent (especially now that we don't strive for JPA
    >>> compliance). Olga was going to commit a patch for that.
    >>> Andrus
    >> --
    >> Olga Tkacheva

    Aristedes Maniatis
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