Re: eclipse plugin for modeler

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Mar 03 2010 - 12:01:06 EST

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: eclipse plugin for modeler"

    We have this flexibility in 3.1. We've already renamed cayenne.xml to
    cayenne-domainname.xml, so the user perceptions are going to be
    affected anyways. We will also need an extension for DataMap files
    then (and luckily there's no more .node.xml in 3.1).

    Still some considerations against it:

    * those files are plain XML (this is not a new file format), and it
    would be nice for generic XML editors (and users) to recognize them as
    * .cayenne looks long. ideally a 2-3 letter extension should be used,
    and most of those are taken, so there is a chance of confusion with
    some other file formats.
    * web.xml and pom.xml are easily recognized by the corresponding
    Eclipse plugins. So it is not impossible for Cayenne files to be
    recognized by the plugin. After all we have a clear naming pattern:
    cayenne-[^\.]+\.xml and ^.+\.map\.xml


    On Mar 3, 2010, at 11:44 AM, Michael Gentry wrote:
    > On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 11:40 AM, Khailenko Ksenia
    > <> wrote:
    >>> (1) Can we have menu item Open With -> Cayenne Modeler so that user
    >>> wouldn't
    >>> have to choose "Other..." dialog every time?
    >> I've tried to do this but there is a problem that by default it's
    >> possible
    >> to add a restriction to the extension of the file opening by editor
    >> plugin.
    >> But sure, there should be solution for that and I intend to find it.
    > That's part of the reason why I wanted to start storing the model
    > using a .cayenne extension ...
    > mrg

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