Re: Vertical inheritance

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Mon May 31 2010 - 11:48:21 UTC

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Vertical inheritance"

    Here's what we're using for JPA:

    // Contact Detail (root)

    @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
    @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name="id", referencedColumnName="id")

    // Address (subclass)


    I guess JPA allows another approach, which would be to specify sql for
    each subclass instead of a column value.

    Reviewing what's out there already for single-table inheritance (which
    I've never used before), I don't see any changes that are needed.
    Everything that works for single-table seems to be sufficient and
    necessary for vertical inheritance.

    As far as I can tell, the implementation difference between
    single-table and vertical is only that multiple tables are involved in
    the queries for reading and writing the data.

    I didn't completely understand the question, so I'm not sure if this answers it.

    As I read through the JPA specs, I note that it does not support mixed
    inheritance types for a set of tables as a required feature. This
    could be future work if we decided we wanted to support it.

    On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 1:44 PM, Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:
    > Approaches to Mapping Inheritance
    > ---------------------------------
    > Currently we don't require users to specify inheritance semantics
    > explicitly. We guess it instead (not unlike EOF). Just select a superclass
    > ObjEntity and (optionally) subclass DbEntity and we'll derive the rest. In
    > case of vertical inheritance I wrote the code to determine the inheritance
    > DbRelationship out of all relationships between the super and sub tables
    > (1..1 PK-based relationship).
    > JPA for instance does require explicit inheritance semantics property set on
    > the superclass. Should we do the same for sanity sake? E.g. to prevent
    > unsupported combinations of inheritance types in a single hierarchy. I don't
    > know what those unsupported combinations will be at the end (i.e. how smart
    > our algorithms will end up being and how extensive the test suite we'll have
    > to say what is supported and what's not). Having a hard rules (with
    > validation done by the Modeler) will make things much less ambiguous (at the
    > expense of some flexibility). E.g. back in the EOF days I barely used
    > inheritance, as it was all based on implicit mapping rules between super and
    > subclasses, so I never bothered to understand them (did it also require to
    > flatten super attributes?? My current design won't).
    > Thoughts on that?

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