If you're talking about building your own jar, it will be different.
The easiest thing to do is to drop both jars in an eclipse project,
select both files, then do a compare with each other.
This will compare each file in the jar. What you'll find (what I
found) is that there are two datestamps of when the jar was compiled
in the jar, and those are the only two differences.
On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Michael Gentry <mgentr..asslight.net> wrote:
> Is it expected that the checksums are different between building the
> source and the binary distribution?
> ~/Downloads/cayenne-3.0.1-src> md5
> framework/cayenne-server/target/cayenne-server-3.0.1.jar
> MD5 (framework/cayenne-server/target/cayenne-server-3.0.1.jar) =
> b89a57ebe8e5f95bfb24ddb0f2197184
> ~/Downloads/cayenne-3.0.1/lib> md5 cayenne-server-3.0.1.jar
> MD5 (cayenne-server-3.0.1.jar) = 9be9cc7c518839a3965374f7f44b5bb9
> I suppose there could be compiler differences.
> Thanks,
> mrg
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