Re: Cayenne 3.1 and "Query-as-objects"

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun Nov 21 2010 - 09:33:44 UTC

  • Next message: Andrew Lindesay: "Re: Cayenne 3.1 and "Query-as-objects""

    I should also clarify our release naming conventions. 3.1M1 being voted right now is an intermediate milestone release, and does not include the entire 3.1 feature scope. At some point we'd make a 3.1B1 release ("B" == "beta"), when we officially declare a feature freeze. B1 will be the first release with the complete 3.1 scope.


    On Nov 21, 2010, at 11:29 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > This is still on the TODO list. No work has been done in this area yet.
    > Considering that we also want to provide generified queries (which is probably as a part of this feature), this is a pretty big task.
    > Andrus
    > On Nov 21, 2010, at 11:20 AM, Andrew Lindesay wrote:
    >> Hello Andrus;
    >> A while back we discussed a bit about how 3.1 might have a "object representation" for EJBQLQuery so that a query could be built without needing to parse an EJBQL string and so that it might be possible to work with a query in a more "programmatic" manner.
    >> I've skimmed over the 3.1 packages, but can't see an obvious location for that material -- did you do that in the end and if so, can you point me in the right direction where I might be able to find it?
    >> cheers.
    >> --
    >> Andrew Lindesay

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