I finalized out "build.xml" files, so that now we can do platform
independent cayenne builds using ANT. Main structure is the following...
each subproject (cayenne, timetracker, etc...) as well as top
ObjectStyle directory in a CVS tree will have its own build.xml file.
Main targets in subproject's build.xml file are "compile", "clean",
"dist_global", "dist_local" (dist targets create a JAR file either in
parent distribution directory - global, or in its own distribution
directory - local).
Main targets in top-level build.xml are "full_clean" , "full_compile"
and "full_dist", each of them evaluates corresponding targets in every
subproject, thus allowing to build all subprojects at once.
Right now we have 2 active subprojects - cayenne and objectstyle.
"objectstyle" is just a bunch of classes and packages that logically do
not belong to data layer...
If you are using NetBeans IDE as I do (not that I like it or anything),
you will be able to build your projects just by clicking on an
appropriate target icon in expanded build.xml view. I tried using
IDE build features, it was screwing me big time, so now I use ANT only.
When you are using ANT to build , ObjectStyle/lib/*.jar and
ObjectStyle/dist/lib/*.jar files are automatically appended to compile
CLASSPATH, so all your environment needs is its default CLASSPATH
pointing to JSDK classes and J2EE classes (I guess in the final distro
we should make the dependancy on J2EE optional.....)
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