Re: Data type mapping

From: Andrei Adamchik (
Date: Tue Apr 10 2001 - 13:25:09 EDT

nice thing...

One addition: since we can not provide a real good support for primitive
data types in "Java" column, we should specify that this mapping can be
done to more then 1 data type based on user preference.

Say SQL92 type "INTEGER" can be mapped interchangeably to int and
java.lang.Integer , etc. As we do not hardcode any mapping rules this
should not be a problem to implement.

i guess if we are going to include a chart like that in the documentation,
we should mention that feature.


At 01:11 PM 4/10/2001 -0400, Shengaout, Misha wrote:

>Attached it the data type mapping for different databases. I think it may
>come handy... <<datatypes.txt>>

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