Re: development notes

From: Michael Shengaout (
Date: Sun Jan 27 2002 - 16:26:55 EST

  • Next message: Andrei Adamchik: "Re: development notes"

    You can update map saving procedure - it will not affect me.

    Here are GUI functions which are "a must" for alpha:
    - Open Data Map
    - Create Data Map
    - Save Data Map
    - Create Obj Entity (includes creation of the obj attributes and
    - Create Db Entity (includes creation of the db attributes)
    - Generate Java Classes (separate module, may be done by someone else)
    - Generate Db Schema (separate module, may be done by someone else)
    - Import model from Database schema

    I hope to have Open Data Map, Create Obj Entity and Save Data Map in the
    first, very ugly approximation, by tonight. If I don't get it all ready, it
    may be couple days before I get another chance to work on it.

    The features to implement at a later time:
    - Create/Edit Node, including integration of the Data Map editing with the
    - Create/Edit Domain
    - UML Diagram view of the obj model (Class Diagram)
    - ER diagram view of the db model

    Please lte me know if I missed any features.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Andrei Adamchik" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2002 3:58 PM
    Subject: development notes

    > I narrowed down the areas we need to address before alpha. That is what
    > myself Misha and Nikhil are working on:
    > - Cayenne Modeler tool. At least datamap support without reverse
    > engineering is needed.
    > - Java class generation.
    > - DataObjects and DataContexts
    > - Support for different database vendor "dialects" of JDBC SQL syntax and
    > data types. At least support in the architecture. Concrete implementations
    > for "100% JDBC", Oracle, Sybase.
    > - Stored Procedure support in Queries package.
    > - (time allowing) extending expression language (unions, group by's,
    > advanced ObjAttribute mappings, etc.)
    > Misha,
    > 1. Can we update data map saving procedure to avoid referencing
    > in all saved models? One suggested
    > of doing it and still keeping the DTD, is including DTD in cayenne.jar,
    > then using Cayenne Modeler tool to copy it in the same directory where the
    > map is stored. Then a relative URL can be used (can those be used in
    > <!DOCTYPE...?)
    > 2. I may postpone the changes to ObjAttribute that I was talking about, so
    > that I can concentrate on higher priority tasks. I guess you can proceed
    > without paying attention to that till I have more time and do it right.
    > This is a power feature so even if this doesn't make it to alpha, so be
    > Andrei

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