RE: Cayenne GUI tool

From: Shengaout, Michael (
Date: Mon Feb 11 2002 - 12:36:41 EST

  • Next message: Michael Shengaout: "Re: Cayenne GUI tool"

    No, I meant something slightly different. The DbRelationship Name won't be
    unique across the DataMap. It will be unique for the DbRelationships between
    two specified DbEntities (e.g A and B). It is going to be needed only when
    you have more than one relationship between two entities, or when you have
    the relationship between of entity with itself, e.g. subordinate-supervisor
    relationship in DbEntity "Employee". Consequently, db-relationship-ref will
    have to have
    a) Source
    b) Target
    c) Name

    All three will be mandatory, but Name will not be unique across the DataMap.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Andrei Adamchik []
    Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 12:15 PM
    Subject: Re: Cayenne GUI tool

    At 11:20 PM 2/10/2002 -0500, Michael Shengaout wrote:
    >Creation of the Obj Entity and (in ObjEntity view) of the DbEntity, with
    >attributes and attribute mappping, ObJRelationships and DbRelationships,
    >is working. Here are the things that don't work:
    >1. Creating "ID" attributes in DbEntities will be possible only in
    >DbEntity view (not done yet - will come in two weeks).
    >2. DbRelationships with source and target being the same DbEntity is not
    >supported by the current xml for DataMap. We will need to make "NAME"
    >attribute mandatory for DbRelaitonshipRef, and modify the sample data and
    >MapLoaderImpl accordingly.

    I am totally for it. ObjRelationship tag should besomething like this:

    <obj-relationship name="a" source="b" target="c">
             <db-relationship-ref name="r1"/>
             <db-relationship-ref name="r2"/>
             <db-relationship-ref name="r3"/>

    We shouldn't do source-destination matching like we are doing now. Are you
    going to take care of it?



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