Re: New module: research

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Feb 13 2002 - 19:30:42 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Queries API change"

    After looking at Andriy's reasearch I finally got inspired to start a
    transformation process of site to Velocity/Anakia based
    templates. This would allow to maintain consistent look and feel without
      a need for GoLive et al. Another goal is to make site updates
    automated using ANT builds from CVS. This way anyone can participate in
    site CONTENT creation without a need for HTML skills. Since content is
    pretty much unformatted xml files with text.

    Initial CVS project module is "objectstyle-site". I think there will
    also be a "cayenne-site" in the future. It is not available for
    anonymous CVS access yet, only for committers, since right now this is
    just barebone project with no real content. We need to start from
    building templates to maintain look and feel. Once this is done, content
    conversion can be done in no time.

    Andriy Shapochka wrote:

    > Upon our conversations with Andrei I created new module research in
    > objectstyle's CVS. There is an evaluation of the Velocity template
    > engine (velo project) inside. It is a tiny GUI to generate java files
    > per one of the well known Java patterns (object constants). Enjoy.
    > Andriy.

    - Andrei (a.k.a. Andrus) Adamchik
    email: andrus at objectstyle dot org

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