Java Class Generation

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue Feb 26 2002 - 18:56:38 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Java Class Generation"

    Finally we have a solution to our Java class generation issues. I
    decided to go ahead and start Velocity-based implementation. It turned
    out to be simpler then I thought.

    I already have ClassGenerator implemented. There will be one more class
    - MapClassGenerator that will use ClassGenerator to walk through a map
    and create Java classes for each ObjEntity. This one will need hooks to
    Misha's GUI, so that for each Java class being generated, a user can
    specify location and also policy like "overwrite", etc.

    Also we will need a tool similar to eogenerator (known to WebObjects
    people only). Basically this is a class generator (based on the code
    described above) that can be integrated into the build process. I can
    see this as a custom Ant task.

    Now I am working on default templates located at
    cayenne/src/templates/dotemplates (for Velocity template syntax see )

    Note that I bundled Velocity with Cayenne, so that by default no extra
    software is needed. This slows down build process by ~5 sec on my
    machine (since it unjars velocity, and then jars it back together with
    cayenne). Alternative Ant target that does not bundle Velocity is
    "jar-nodeps", but build.xml may require more work in this direction.

    I will post an update when templates are finished and can be used to do
    class generation.

    - Andrei (a.k.a. Andrus) Adamchik
    email: andrus at objectstyle dot org

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