DBAdapters for Hsqldb and PostgreSQL

From: Walter S. So (w_s_s..ocketmail.com)
Date: Thu Jul 11 2002 - 02:31:43 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus: "Re: DBAdapters for Hsqldb and PostgreSQL"


    I've been able to setup and execute the runtests script of Cayenne alpha, but unfortunately, it
    doesn't support either Hypersonic SQL or PostgreSQL. I first tried using the default JdbcAdapter,
    then tested the other Adapters in the small hope that one of them might work. Unfortunately, none
    of them got past the table creation process, so I'm waiting with bated breath for Cayenne to come
    with DBAdapters for the above mentioned RDBMSes. I would have tried it on Oracle or MySQL, but
    the project team has already defined PostgreSQL as our target database. On a side note, I'm also
    testing Torque for class and sql generation.

    Thank you.

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