RE: Cayenne Newbe Question

From: Andrus (
Date: Fri Aug 02 2002 - 14:59:40 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus: "RE: Cayenne Newbe Question"

    Hmm.. I just ran a simple application I created with your map. Everything
    seems to work for me. The only thing that I noticed is that map is not
    linked to data node (this is an omission in Cayenne docs that we absolutely
    need to fix...):

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <domain name="SWSignatureDomain">
             <map name="SWSignatureDataMap" location="SWSignatureDataMap"/>
             <node name="SWSignatureDataNode"

                             <!-- THIS ONE NEEDS TO BE THERE -->
                             <map-ref name="SWSignatureDataMap"/>

    But, this would've generated a different error. So more information is
    still needed. Please turn on debugging of the map loading. To do that
    insert this line in your code before you reference anything
    Cayenne-specific (static{} block in your main class would be an ideal place):


    After that when you run your app, it should generate lots of output on
    startup. Could you send it to this list please, including all stack traces?

    Also I noticed in stack trace that you are using Xerces for your XML
    parsing. We tested Cayenne with a default JSDK1.4 parser, which is AFAIK
    org.apache.crimson.parser.XMLReaderImpl. I wonder if this might be the
    cause. Could you try it without Xerces?


    At 01:30 PM 8/2/2002 -0500, you wrote:
    >I checked my cayenne.xml files and it has a name.
    ><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    ><domain name="SWSignatureDomain">
    > <map name="SWSignatureDataMap" location="SWSignatureDataMap"/>
    > <node name="SWSignatureDataNode"
    > datasource="SWSignatureDataNode"
    > adapter="org.objectstyle.cayenne.dba.mysql.MySQLAdapter"
    > </node>
    >I am attaching the model files.

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