PK Generation [Was: Cayenne Newbe Question]

From: Andrus (
Date: Mon Aug 05 2002 - 16:29:26 EDT

  • Next message: HARI,SANJAYAGANESH (HP-India,ex2): "J2SDK version ??"

    At 10:25 AM 8/5/2002 -0500, you wrote:
    >I used the Modeler to create the database. The Modeler generated the tables
    >and primary key support.

    So you did succeed with that and everything works now, right?

    >All I added to the Modeler output is 'CREATE
    >DATABASE SWStaging;', 'USE SWStaging;'

    Yeah, since Modeler executes it internally via JDBC, some of the syntax
    (like ";") will be different from a command line script. I guess we need to
    fix that. Also as of now Modeler does not support new database creation.
    Will need to add this eventually.


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