Re: Cayenne Modeler won't load model

From: Andrus (
Date: Wed Aug 14 2002 - 09:30:37 EDT

  • Next message: JR Ruggentaler: "RE: Cayenne Modeler won't load model"

    Hi JR,

    First of all I suggest upgrading Cayenne to the current nightly build
    version if you haven't done so already.

    CM is much more stable now then it was in Alpha 2. Among other things there
    is a fix of a very nasty bug in CM, leaving much less chances for the map
    project files corruption:

    Besides it adds logging of exceptions and other debugging info to

    As for your problem, I haven't seen this particular one, but in general
    there may be problems when removing things in "Db*" layer when they are
    already mapped in "Obj*" layer. Dead objects may be hanging in the memory
    and even get saved. As a workaround I suggest unmapping corresponding
    "Obj*" objects first, and then removing "Db*". I think we may even need to
    change the internals of the DataMap structure to fix it (without changing
    the public API and XML format of course).


    At 11:51 PM 8/13/2002 -0500, JR Ruggentaler wrote:
    >To: "Cayenne-User (E-mail)" <>
    >Subject: Cayenne Modeler won't load model
    >I am having problems with the Cayenne Modeler. This seem to be related to
    >creating relationships. I save my model and then try to reopen it later but
    >nothing shows up and there are no messages indicating any problems. One of
    >my DB-Entity does not get saved and there are relationships pointing to the
    >unsaved DB-Entity. To get CM to show my model I delete the relationships
    >with a text editor and reopen the file with CA. Any else seen this problem?

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