Re: Did I miss anything?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Aug 22 2002 - 09:45:52 EDT

  • Next message: Schneider, Eric: "RE: Did I miss anything?"

    Hi Marian,

    This is an Oracle error and most likely has nothing to do with JDBC or
    Cayenne. Could you check that the table exists in the database. Login to
    Oracle via SQLPlus (using the same login id that Cayenne app uses) and do
    something like:

    desc gallery;

    Another possibility is that the login you are using defaults to a schema
    different from the schema where GALLERY was created. In this case, open your
    datamap in CayenneModeler and add schema name to all DbEntities.


    Marian Simpetru writes:

    > Hello!
    > I'm new to cayenne.
    > I tryed the web examples
    > I deploy-it, I change the sample
    > cayene.hml and driverinfo.xml with apropriate values (oracle...)
    > I tryed both with and classes (versions of
    > OracleDriver) - same result
    > Thanks,
    > Marian Simpetru
    > here is what I have in the webpage (when try to 'view galleries):
    > 500 Servlet Exception
    > java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00903: invalid table name
    > at

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