Driver in /lib/ext?!?!

From: Marian Simpetru (
Date: Fri Aug 23 2002 - 04:45:05 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Driver in /lib/ext?!?!"


    Why does the jdbc driver has to be in the JDK / lib/ext ?!?
    Is this a requirement only for Modeller?

    Does it not work if is placed in WEB-INF/lib , same directory as commons or beanutil?

    Maybe I run several applications and I want to run them with distinct jdbc driver version.

    Also global classpath I think is not a good solutins (for example in Resin we had problems with a new version because they were changing the class precedence :)) And this might by subject to change also.

    Another problem I had in the pasta were several components running jaxp but diferent versions!
    We had to put them in web-inf/lib in order to both work (but resin had his own conflicting version :D ...


    Marian Simpetru

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