connection pooling: maxconnections reached

From: Branko Kannenberg (
Date: Thu Sep 19 2002 - 11:22:58 EDT

  • Next message: Branko Kannenberg: "poolmanager"

    Hi there !

    I have a question about connection pooling implemented by cayenne:
    If I set maxconnections to 10 and try to open 11 connections I get an
    exception that the pool cannot open more connections.

    Other Poolmanager also have the possibility to let the requester of the new
    connection wait until one connection from the pool gets free again.
    Would this be possible with cayenne?
    It is not so easy to estimate the number of max connections that will be used.
    So it would be nice if the application would not stop with an exception if on
    some rare occasion one connection too much is requested.

    Ciao, Branko.

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