Re: Integration with Session Beans

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Nov 13 2002 - 16:27:09 EST

  • Next message: David Solis: "Re: Integration with Session Beans"

    Hi David,

    Originally we planned a full blown "integration" with EJB. When we started
    looking closer, it turned out that the effort is not worse it, because:

     1. EJB is on its way out of the market
     2. EJB is a bad solution for most programming problems.

    So as it goes with OpenSource, there was no personal "itch" to scratch, so
    this was forgotten.

    Having said that, I totally realize that there are a lot of companies that
    do use EJBs at the moment and developers need to solve the problems within
    EJB framework. So we would welcome volunteer attempts to use Cayenne with it
    and would like to hear about other people experiences.

    As for the considerations - you may want to read that (from the times we
    were looking at EJB):

    Basically, the main problem is (just like with any other EJB app) -
    synchronizing fine grained objects on the client (servlet/JSP/...) with a
    bean on the EJB server.

    Please post the details of what exactly are you planning to use Cayenne for
    and how much access to persistent objects is required within a session bean
    and its client. Then I will be able to write a more detailed answer.


    David Solis writes:
    > Are there special considerations to integrate Cayenne with Session
    > Beans? Is there an example?
    > TIA
    > Regards,
    > David

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