How to retrieve the PK from the anArtist bean?

From: Fan, Bill (AP - Australia) ("Fan,)
Date: Mon Dec 30 2002 - 01:04:24 EST

  • Next message: Dirk Olmes: "Re: How to retrieve the PK from the anArtist bean?"


    I'm new to Cayenne. I've successfully set up the cayenne-web-app with tomcat
    4.1.17. My question is how to retrieve the ARTIST_ID in order to use it for
    the "add painting" link? The exampe is using the artist's name for this
    link. In the struts app I'm working on, I need to use the primary key to
    associate the records.

    I noticed that there is no getter method for any PK column in all the java
    class file generated.



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