Re: How to retrieve the PK from the anArtist bean?

From: martin ruff (
Date: Mon Dec 30 2002 - 10:53:56 EST

  • Next message: Fan, Bill (AP - Australia): "RE: How to retrieve the PK from the anArtist bean?"

    Hi Dirk,

    Dirk Olmes wrote:
    >>the EmployeeBO is just a wrapper for the Employees object (the
    >>generated extended CayenneDataObject), its attribute theEmployee
    >>is of type CayenneDataObject ID is the PK which I get with
    >>getObjectId().getIdSnapshot() ..., which I pass as parameter to
    >>the employeeEdit page.
    > If you wrap the CayenneDataObject anyway, why do you (ab)use its primary key
    > for display purposes? The EmployeeBO should be able to manage its own id for
    > display purposes (and nothing else).
    > Sidenote: other web frameworks (e.g. Tapestry) manage the whole
    > object-to-identifier mapping for the web layer themselves. There's no need for manual
    > user intervention.
    thnaks for the tip, I'll have a look at Tapestry

    >>The problem now is: On the employeeEdit page I have to identify
    >>the employee the user selected in the list, therefor I submit
    >>it's ID (the PK) to get the appropriate selected user on the
    >>employeeEdit page.
    > Again, this is only for the web layer, right? Why abuse the database
    > artefact for such purposes? Couldn't the identifier in the web layer be e.g. the
    > hashCode() of the object you're giving out?
    Thanks, this is a very good idea, I'm gonna change my code accordingly
    (already changed some)
    so I do not have to expose the PK concept which should be
    "cayenne-visible" only, so I get a much cleaner design

    >>In a swing application I would show the user a list of Employees
    >>objects (of type CayenneDataObject). when the user selects an
    >>employee I would pass the Employees object to the employeeEdit
    >>page, so I would not have to access its PK. I would ALLWAYS work
    >>with objects.
    > See, this kind of UI layer does not impose any restrictions on your object
    > model.....
    >>But in a web app, I cannot put Employees objects in the employees
    >>list page (jsp page) and pass a Employees object as request
    >>parameter to the employeeEdit page. So in this web-context what
    >>would be the right cayenne way to solve the problem described
    >>WITHOUT accessing the employees PK?
    > ... whereas JSP requires for some kind of id. Note that technically this has
    > absolutely no relationship to the primary key of the CayenneDataObject.
    > Sure, while a unique identifier for a (CayenneData)Object already exist, why
    > not use it? But make sure that you don't get bitten in the long run by this.
    > I'm talking about separating model from view in this case. What happens if
    > you discover lateron that you'll promote another column in your DB table to a
    > PK column so you have a compound primary key (Admitted, this example is
    > somewhat constructed ....)? You'd not only have to change your object model but
    > also the view presenting those objects. This is not what you want.
    Yep you're right, with the hashCode() I will have a clean sepearation
    between view and model. I'll make myself a new leyer which maps the code
    from hashCode back to an (CayenneData)Object, which will be transparent
    for the view and the model, with this technique I can always work on
    object level, as I would in a swing app
    thanks again for the tip and a happy new 2003 !!!

    > Just my 0.01 EUR,
    > -dirk

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