Andrus Adamchik wrote:
> If you familiar with how EOF works, it propagates object updates among
> EOEditingContexts within the same JVM, but not accross JVMs. For me (and I
> believe for others too) this was a source of many problems.
Starting with 4.0 (or was it 4.5?) updates in different ECs were merged
via the delegates' editingContextShouldMergeChanges(), if I recall
correctly. This was great (IMHO) since it solved the 'last writer wins'
problem when the changes were in fact non-conflicting, just like Paul
described. Currently every DataContext is associated with its own
SnapshotManager, right? So to handle this, we could:
- move to a different (single? per-node?) SnapshotManager model (like the
shared EOObjectStore in EOF), handling the mergeable conflicts centrally,
- try to keep mergeable updates in sync via events between
Any other ideas? The thing I like most about a shared SM is the memory
saving and unified cache management between DCs. Not sure if this leads to
more problems that it solves, though.
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