Re: FW: Cayenne and Hibernate

From: Andrus (
Date: Tue Jan 28 2003 - 20:44:15 EST

  • Next message: David Solis: "RE: FW: Cayenne and Hibernate"

    David, I hear you! :-)

    Most of the features you listed are either already in Cayenne, or coming
    soon (hence current Alpha status, to include them before the final 1.0):

    1. BLOBs: Should be coming before beta.

    2. Optimistic locking: On the list but probably 1.1 or something.

    3. Flattened relationships are implemented already (I believe in A4), with
    modeler support, thanks to Craig. No documentation yet though, but it is
    really easy to use. In the modeler any ObjRelationship can be mapped to a
    "path" of DbRelationships providing "flattened" functionality (mapping
    dropdown provides all possible paths).

    4. Stored procedures: Working on that.

    5. Qualifier for objects: Not quiet sure what you mean by that?


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