Hello Javier,
Javier Ferro wrote:
> I'm get the following error when trying to reengineer a database
> schema from Oracle 8.1.5.
> CayenneModeler Info
> Version: 1.0a6
> Build Date: February 2 2003
> Exception:
> =================================
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
This is very unfortunate und some people seem to 'always' get this error,
but curiously some people don't - no matter hoch many tables we try to
Can you give us a bit more info on your setup? How many tables has the
schema, which roles does the user have etc.
For a first countermeasure try to modify line 34 of the modeler.bat script
and insert something like -Xmx96M before the -classpath argument.
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