Re: Simple question

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun Mar 02 2003 - 11:13:51 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: high-volume offline processing using cayenne?"


    First according to your DataMap XML and code,, module has multiple
    groups, so your description contradicts the map: Module has multiple
    Groups, not the other way around, right?

    You are saying "I want to a similar record but different foreign key in
    GROUP table", but you can't a foreign key without a corresponding
    primary key in MODULES. So having an instance of Module object, either
    new or existing one (and a corresponding MODULES record) is the only
    way, if I correctly understand what you are trying to do here.

    This has nothing to do with Cayenne, this is simply how database
    relationships work.


    Nanik Tolaram wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I have a 1-to-many relationship between GROUPS and MODULE (GROUP
    > (1)----(N) MODULE). I want to a similar record but different foreign key
    > in GROUP table, I have done like the following
    > Groups group= (Groups)ctxt.createAndRegisterNewObject("Groups");
    > Module module = (Module)ctxt.createAndRegisterNewObject("Module");
    > group.setGROUPID(new Integer(1));
    > group.setGroupname("ADMIN");
    > module.setModulename("CUSTOMER");
    > module.addToGroupsArray(group);
    > ctxt.commitChanges(Level.DEBUG); // commit
    > Module module1 = (Module)ctxt.createAndRegisterNewObject("Module");
    > Groups group1= (Groups)ctxt.createAndRegisterNewObject("Groups");
    > group1.setGROUPID(new Integer(1));
    > group1.setGroupname("ADMIN");
    > module1.setModulename("PRODUCT");
    > module1.addToGroupsArray(group1);
    > ctxt.commitChanges(Level.DEBUG); // commit
    > and the following is the config file,
    > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    > <data-map project-version="1.0">
    > <db-entity name="USERS">
    > <db-attribute name="login_name" type="CHAR"
    > isMandatory="true" length="20"/>
    > <db-attribute name="userid" type="INTEGER"
    > isPrimaryKey="true" isMandatory="true"/>
    > </db-entity>
    > <db-entity name="GROUPS">
    > <db-attribute name="GROUPID" type="INTEGER"
    > length="4"/>
    > <db-attribute name="groupname" type="CHAR"
    > length="50"/>
    > <db-attribute name="MODULEID" type="INTEGER"
    > length="4"/>
    > </db-entity>
    > <db-entity name="MODULE">
    > <db-attribute name="MODULEID" type="INTEGER"
    > isPrimaryKey="true" isMandatory="true"/>
    > <db-attribute name="modulename" type="CHAR"
    > length="50"/>
    > </db-entity>
    > <obj-entity name="Groups" className="Groups"
    > dbEntityName="GROUPS">
    > <obj-attribute name="GROUPID"
    > type="java.lang.Integer" db-attribute-name="GROUPID"/>
    > <obj-attribute name="groupname"
    > type="java.lang.String" db-attribute-name="groupname"/>
    > </obj-entity>
    > <obj-entity name="Users" className="Users"
    > dbEntityName="USERS">
    > <obj-attribute name="login_name"
    > type="java.lang.String" db-attribute-name="login_name"/>
    > </obj-entity>
    > <obj-entity name="Module" className="Module"
    > dbEntityName="MODULE">
    > <obj-attribute name="modulename"
    > type="java.lang.String" db-attribute-name="modulename"/>
    > </obj-entity>
    > <db-relationship name="groupsArray" source="MODULE"
    > target="GROUPS" toDependentPK="false" toMany="true">
    > <db-attribute-pair source="MODULEID"
    > target="MODULEID"/>
    > </db-relationship>
    > <db-relationship name="toGroups" source="GROUPS"
    > target="MODULE" toDependentPK="false" toMany="false">
    > <db-attribute-pair source="MODULEID"
    > target="MODULEID"/>
    > </db-relationship>
    > <obj-relationship name="groupsArray" source="Module"
    > target="Groups" toMany="true" deleteRule="Nullify">
    > <db-relationship-ref source="MODULE"
    > target="GROUPS" name="groupsArray"/>
    > </obj-relationship>
    > <obj-relationship name="toGroups" source="Groups"
    > target="Module" toMany="false" deleteRule="Nullify">
    > <db-relationship-ref source="GROUPS"
    > target="MODULE" name="toGroups"/>
    > </obj-relationship>
    > </data-map>
    > Are there any other way to make things easier if I want to insert same
    > record with different foreign key ?
    > Thanks
    > Nanik

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