Re: Runtime Error: how to find cayenne.xml

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Mar 06 2003 - 11:36:59 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Runtime Error: how to find cayenne.xml"

    I suspect this might be some deserialization problem. Have you noticed if
    this exception totally prevents future sessions from working, since I
    suspect this does not affect any new sessions. Also, what are you using
    for HTML generation? Is this JSP or is this things like Tapestry?

    Anyway, even though I partially agree with Holger's comment on logging,
    there is quiet a few things you can do right now to debug what is really
    going on. To do that, set logging configuration file in the first startup
    servlet using Configuration.configCommonLogging(url), or by creating
    $HOME/.cayenne/ (second option is not very J2EE

    For either option, contents of this file may look like this:

    # General Log4J stuff
    log4j.rootLogger=WARN, A1
    log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=cayenne %-5p [%t %d{MM-dd
    HH:mm:ss}] %c{1}: %m%n

    # indiv. packages configuration - turning on the packages that I care about = DEBUG

    Hope this helps.


    > John Poole wrote:
    >> "Domain configuration file "cayenne.xml" is not found"
    >> We get this message about 50% of the time when we start up tomcat. It
    >> doesn't seem to happen twice in a row, so it's not a big issue, but is
    >> this a known problem?
    > Not to me? We need a better way of determining what might be wrong,
    > though. For the next version I'll put in much better logging, so that
    > you can send us at least a trace that shows what happened when and
    > where.
    >> The only thing we're doing differently from the example
    >> configuration wise is using a jndi connection to the database.
    > Looks like the usual Tomcat class loader brokenness, which has been a
    > constant source of frustration for everybody in the past. Maybe a race
    > condition on startup.
    > Holger

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