I have a table cm_user with about 40000 users
the CayenneDataObject CmUser has a lot of relationsships to other
objects, means is about 2K each object
now I have the follwoing code:
SelectQuery q = new SelectQuery(CmUser.class);
ResultIterator it = null;
// ResultIterator operations all throw checked CayenneException
// special "performIteratedQuery" method is used
it = ctxt.performIteratedQuery(q);
// ResultIterator always returns data rows
Map row = it.nextDataRow();
CmUser cmuser = (CmUser)ctxt.objectFromDataRow("CmUser", row);
System.out.println("login: " + cmuser.getLogin());
catch(CayenneException ex)
is it correct that the datacontext caches all object that I get by:
CmUser cmuser = (CmUser)ctxt.objectFromDataRow("CmUser", row); ?
which means at the end I have 40000 CmUser objects in memory?
if this is the case, is there a way to prevent the datacontext from
caching objects?
What is the "memory" and "performance" best way to solve the problem,
that in my code I HAVE to access EVERY user?
thanks for help
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