let me answer this one as well.
1. Mark all relevant columns as primary keys for all DbEntities.
2. Model all relationships between them
3. Relationships going from a master table to the join table, e.g.
TABLE1 -> TABLE3 in your case, must be checked as 'To Dep Pk". This
tells Cayenne that "master" primary key should be generated (or set
explicitly), while Dep[endent] PK will be copied from master.
4. In ObjEntities, don't include PK and FK columns as class attributes
(ObjAttributes in Cayenne terms), unless you *really* need to do so.
On Wednesday, April 2, 2003, at 09:53 PM, Troy McKinnon wrote:
> I was just wondering if some can give me some insight into the best
> way to
> insert records into a cross reference table with a compound key which
> is
> made up by a foreign key to two different tables? Also, because of the
> issue
> with no assigning a parent key (i.e. re: same object duplicated in the
> result), will a select work with a compound parent key?
> ------------
> pk_id
> val1
> val2
> ------------
> pk_id2
> another1
> another2
> ------------
> pk_id1
> pk_id2
> Troy McKinnon
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