Re: Different results using JNDI

From: Eric Schneider (
Date: Thu Apr 10 2003 - 12:21:03 EDT

  • Next message: Arndt Brenschede: "Re: Different results using JNDI"

    Hey Holger,

    Yeah, that's what I originally thought. I looked at the
    JNDIDataSourceFactory class and it's as vanilla as it gets. But, I ran a
    little test this morning. I deployed a servlet on the container that
    executes a Statement against the database, connecting with both a Datasource
    and a standard JDBC connection. Both calls returned 301 rows. I was hoping
    to see JNDI connection return no results, similar to the behavior of the
    application. That would pretty much solidify the theory that the sunone app
    server is causing this problem. But, it appears the problem is indeed in
    cayenne. :-(

    I'm doing a little more research to see if there is something in our
    application that is suspect. I guess anything is possible.

    Here's the cayenne debugging output, first using JNDI ds, then the cayenne
    connection implementation.

    QueryLogger: --- will run 1 query.
    QueryLogger: SELECT .......

    DefaultOperationObserver: result: (iterator)
    QueryLogger: === returned 0 rows. - took 190 ms.


    QueryLogger: --- will run 1 query.
    QueryLogger: SELECT .......

    QueryLogger: === returned 30 rows. - took 471 ms.
    DefaultOperationObserver: result count: 30

    I'll keep digging.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Holger Hoffstätte" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 10:23 AM
    Subject: Re: Different results using JNDI

    > Eric Schneider wrote:
    > > (weird behaviour with JNDI data source)
    > I cannot guarantee anything but it's IMHO unlikely to be related to
    > cayenne - the JNDIDataSourceFactory is just a very thin wrapper over a
    > JNDI lookup, and really does nothing different than what you would do when
    > programming JDBC 'manually'. Maybe your 'application server' is somehow
    > zonked out?
    > -h

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