Hi Arndt,
> So if there would be "uncommitted changes"
We are using Oracle 9i, but the application happens to be completely
> The other source of strangeness could be if
> your conatiners datasource does prepared-statement-caching.
Hmm. I suppose that would be something to check. The test servlet I wrote
only used java.sql.Statements, not PreparedStatements. I'll give this a
Thanks for the suggestions!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Arndt Brenschede" <a..iamos.de>
To: "Eric Schneider" <eri..entralparksoftware.com>
Cc: <cayenne-use..bjectstyle.org>
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2003 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: Different results using JNDI
> Hi Eric,
> of course I also cannot debug your problem
> remotely, but here are some ideas of what
> effects could possibly cause such strange bugs.
> First think about connection-pooling. This will
> certainly behave different for the build-in datasource
> and that of your container.
> So if there would be "uncommitted changes" for
> whatever reason in some of the pooled connections,
> that would exlain the sort of behaviour you describe.
> (if you are using a transactional database like oracle)
> This sort of bug is my first guess. So for debugging,
> it would be interesting to trace the identity of the
> connections actually used.
> The other source of strangeness could be if
> your conatiners datasource does prepared-statement-caching.
> Could you check that?
> I'm interested if there are any problems related
> to prepared-statement-caching, cause I'm implementing
> that for cayennes data source.
> regards,
> Arndt
> Eric Schneider wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Kind of an odd situation I'm having here. I have an application that
> > has been implemented with cayenne for 6 months now. Recently, we
> > modified the application to use a JNDI datasource. The change was very
> > straightforward. Instead of looking up connection information in the
> > driver file, the factory attribute in the cayenne.xml file was switched
> > to the JNDIDataSourceFactory and the datasource attribute was set to our
> > JNDI name, jdbc/mysource.
> >
> > The behavior I'm seeing is extremely odd, but consistent. Using the
> > datasource, certain queries (not all) return no rows. The call doesn't
> > throw an exception, just simply returns the standard cayenne debug
> > output saying "return 0 rows" as if the table was truncated. A query
> > will work perfectly qualified one way, but fails to return anything if
> > the qualifiers are slightly different (but also correct).
> >
> > If I copy the SQL that cayenne generates and paste it into SQL plus, it
> > returns records. Also, if I switch back to Cayenne's build in
> > connection pool, it works perfectly. For whatever reason, it
> > just behaves differently. :-|
> >
> > Maybe someone that's a little more familiar with the spaghetti innards
> > of cayenne would know why this could be happening?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Eric
> --
> --
> Dr. Arndt Brenschede
> Innovapark
> Am Limespark 2
> 65843 Sulzbach
> Tel.: +49 (0) 61 96 - 65 06 - 134
> Fax: +49 (0) 61 96 - 65 06 - 100
> mobile: +49 (0) 151 151 36 134
> mailto:arndt.brensched..iamos.com
> http://www.diamos.com
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