Finally ... we are in Beta now! From the front page: ... Among other
things in this release:
* Support for stored procedures.
* Support for BLOB/CLOB.
* Data operation dependency tracking based on Ashwood.
* Support for PostgreSQL and HSQLDB.
* Batched data modification operations.
* More straightforward configuration for webapplications.
This is indeed a big effort in adding missing important features and
also in reengineering inefficient code and cleaning up the design.
Thanks to everybody who made this happen.
What is going to happen now? We will work on bugs, documentation,
examples, etc. Anything that is still missing to make the final
release. User's input and help with this is always appreciated. We will
do our best to put on hold any massive code reworking or major new
features. This will probably mean more frequent Beta 2,3,4... etc.
releases in preparation for the final 1.0. Stay tuned. ;)
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