Hi David,
I haven't tried Cayenne on SQL Server myself (I think other people did),
but the fact that the driver can't be loaded makes me think that this is
simply a CLASSPATH issue.
Could you be more specific in what you are doing and what does not work?
Is this when you use the CayenneModeler GUI? Could you sent your CLASSPATH
variable value?
Also Modeler creates a log file under $HOME/.cayenne/modeler.log. On
Windows this will be something like "C:\Documents and
Settings\username\.cayenne\modeler.log". It may contain more information
on what is going on.
> Hi,
> I am trying to use Cayenne for the 1st time and I cannot get it to
> connect to the SQL Server that is on my system. In fact, cannot even get
> it to load the SQL Server JDBC driver. Can anyone help ?
> Thanks,
> David Brusowankin
> Director of Application Development
> Guggenheim Partners
> Voice: 212.381.7545
> Email: david.brusowanki..uggenheimpartners.com
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