can't run cayenne-web-app 1.0b1

From: Jean-Paul Le Fèvre (
Date: Thu Apr 24 2003 - 05:46:30 EDT

  • Next message: Merritt, Scott: "One to many relationships require reverse relationships?"

    I've been unable to run the web app demo coming with cayenne-1.0b1
    (It used to work with 1.0a6). I'm using Tomcat 4.1.24-LE.

    The trace shown in the log file indicates :

    CayenneRuntimeException: No suitable DataNode to handle query
    at action.ArtistPageAction.execute(

    I've changed the value of the log level in various files but this
    has not given more details on what was wrong.

    According to the FAQ it is likely that :
    "Cayenne DataMaps is not linked to any DataNodes"
    but it is not the case (checked, rechecked and rerechecked)

    Any hint ?


    Jean-Paul Le Fèvre -

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