
From: Tore Halset (halse..vv.ntnu.no)
Date: Fri Sep 05 2003 - 08:57:10 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: rtrim()"


    I have a table cell with a primary key named cell_id. The database is
    PostgreSQL. cell_id is char(8).

    The datamap:
    <db-entity name="cell" schema="public">
      <db-attribute name="cell_id"

    I am using the follwing code to query for one specific cell
    ExpressionFactory.binaryPathExp(Expression.EQUAL_TO, "cellId", cellId);
    SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(Cell.class, qual);
    List cells = getDataContext().performQuery(query);

    The generated SQL performs a rtrim
     RTRIM(cell_id) = ?

    I guess the rtrim-code are not needed? Will PostgreSQL still be able to
    use the index?

    => explain select * from cell where cell_id='ABCDEFGH';
                                  QUERY PLAN
     Index Scan using cell_pkey on cell (cost=0.00..5.89 rows=1 width=86)
       Index Cond: (cell_id = 'ABCDEFGH'::bpchar)
    (2 rows)

    => explain select * from cell where rtrim(cell_id)='ABCDEFGH';
                           QUERY PLAN
     Seq Scan on cell (cost=0.00..110.02 rows=18 width=86)
       Filter: (rtrim((cell_id)::text) = 'ABCDEFGH'::text)
    (2 rows)

     - Tore.

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