Mike Kienenberger <mkienen..laska.net> wrote:
> Despite the fact that it's called a "meaningless primary key", I would
> to programmically determine the value of each entity's primary key.
> One way for me to do this is to generate a primaryKey() method in my class
> generation template, but I'd rather use the framework if possible.
> It seems like the way to do this is:
> Class objEntityClass = aCayenneDataObject.getObjectId().getObjClass();
> and from there:
> DbEntity aDbEntityClass = objEntityClass.getDbEntity();
> Are these intended for "user" access, or only internal framework use?
For those who need it, this is the code I came up with to generate a string
representation of a primary key for someDataObject:
String primaryKeysString = null;
Map pkAttributes = someDataObject.getObjectId().getIdSnapshot();
Iterator pkIterator = pkAttributes.keySet().iterator();
while (pkIterator.hasNext())
String primaryKeyName = (String) pkIterator.next();
Object primaryKeyValue = pkAttributes.get(primaryKeyName);
if (null == primaryKeysString)
primaryKeysString = primaryKeyName + "=" + primaryKeyValue;
primaryKeysString = primaryKeysString + "," + primaryKeyName + "=" +
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