Re: newbie - Cayenne, Ant, JBoss?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Oct 01 2003 - 11:36:48 EDT

  • Next message: Jean-Paul Le Fèvre: "Which NEXT_ID ?"

    Hi Craig,

    On Tuesday, September 30, 2003, at 01:40 PM, Craig Ziesman wrote:
    > I built a simple JBoss HelloWorld app and managed to integrate with
    > minor difficulties. I would be willing to share this if anyone is
    > interested.

    If this is just a webapp, we already have a few good examples... Now if
    you could summarize/demonstrate the caveats specific to JBoss
    integration (e.g. compared to Tomcat), that would be great. We could
    include this in Cayenne docs.

    > Now I am trying to integrate Cayenne into an existing J2EE
    > application. I created a DataObject to replace one of my entity beans.
    > The DataObject gets referenced from a GUI using an applet/servlet
    > combo, which works great. However, the DataObject also gets referenced
    > from an existing session bean. This fails with a Class Not Found
    > exception when I try to reference the Dataobject.
    > What is the required structure of the EAR file to get this to work? I
    > have tried every combination I can think of, and nothing helps.

    Umm... haven't used EJBs since before Cayenne went Alpha :-)... Can't
    help much here, sorry. But will be very interested to hear from you if
    you find a solution (I definitely know that others have done it in the
    past....) Just like with the example above, this maybe a very useful
    addition to the documentation.



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