I tried to add some prefetching to my code today in order to speed some
things up.
Here's a simplified recreation of the code that caused the error.
Collection prefetchList = new ArrayList();
Expression qualifier =
SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(PendingPayment.class, qualifier);
query.addPrefetches(prefetchList );
return aDataContext.performQuery(query);
Here's the stack trace. Note that this is using the modified DataContext
with DataContextDelegate, so the DataContext line numbers will be off.
Thread [Thread-4] (Suspended (exception NullPointerException))
QueryUtils$ExpressionTranslator.reverseDbPath(ObjEntity, String) line: 523
QueryUtils$ExpressionTranslator.<init>(ObjEntity, String) line: 433
QueryUtils.transformQualifier(ObjEntity, Expression, String) line: 356
QueryUtils.selectPrefetchPath(QueryEngine, SelectQuery, String) line: 324
DataContext.performQueries(List, OperationObserver) line: 873
DataContext.performQuery(GenericSelectQuery) line: 793
in QueryUtils$ExpressionTranslator.reverseDbPath(ObjEntity, String), reverse
is null for
DbRelationship reverse = dbRel.getReverseRelationship();
buf.insert(0, reverse.getName());
I'm not sure if this is some condition that Cayenne should handle better, so
I figured I better report it.
My problem, maybe irrelevent, is probably that PendingPayment should be set
toDependentPK=true since PendingPayment has the same primary key as
PaymentHistory and is really nothing more than a database pointer into the
PaymentHistory table, but currently is set to toDependentPK=false.
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