Hi Steve,
On Feb 5, 2004, at 12:07 AM, Steve Steinitz wrote:
> <db-relationship name="userrolesArray" source="role"
> target="userroles" toDependentPK="false" toMany="true">
> <db-attribute-pair source="id" target="roleid"/>
> </db-relationship>
> <db-relationship name="userrolesArray" source="user"
> target="userroles" toDependentPK="false" toMany="true">
> <db-attribute-pair source="id" target="userid"/>
> </db-relationship>
These two relationships must be marked as "to dep PK", since the
primary key is propagated from the source.
> Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: ERROR: $1 referential integrity
> violation - key in user still referenced from userroles
The error looks like the failure is happenning on delete, not insert.
But still, I think fixing "to dep PK" setting should take care of this.
If the error persists, try turning on SQL logging and please send the
queries executed before the failure.
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