Re: Openbase

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Tue Feb 10 2004 - 17:31:23 EST

  • Next message: Stephen Adams: "Re: Openbase"

    Stephen Adams <> wrote:
    > Thanks for the information. I now am able to connect the database and get
    > the schema. I am still working on getting the example code to work.
    > I am new to Java and Cayenne and I am trying to tackle both at the same
    > time. Might not be the best idea.

    Well, if you're used to WebObjects (which I may be mis-remembering from your
    posting on OB-DEV), I don't think Cayenne will have much of a learning curve
    for you. I've found the documentation at quite good. All of
    the common EOF functionality appears to have direct corresponding elements
    in Cayenne.

    Even if not, I think the API is very easy to pick up for simple queries,
    inserts, deletes, and updates.


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