I think I want all of my user's sessions to share the same data
context. Here's why; please tell me if I'm wrong:
I want users to see each other's changes. For example, when a user
edits something (say, changes a photo's title) I want all other
logged-in users to see the new title when they next see the photo
during the same session.
Another example that's biting me right now: one servlet accepts
uploaded photos and places each photo in an album. A logged-in user who
has already seen that album does not see the photo "appear" in the
album the next time he visits the album in the same session. The photo
exists; for example the "latest uploaded photo" view displays the
So: do I want all users to use the same data context?
I know that this could lead to data problems if user A saves something
then user B saves the same thing with a different value. However, I
really need each user to see the new photos added to an album.
Thank you for your comments and help.
-- Jim Menard, jim..o.com, http://www.io.com/~jimm/ "The reason why there is no good commercial Java development environment is that the only folks that are good enough to write one all use EMACS." -- Unknown, on comp.lang.java.programmer
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